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We come together to support the call by our sisters in Myanmar to stop the increasing attacks on the fundamental rights of protesters fighting for democracy. Women actively involved in the protests are continuously harassed. Justice groups in Myanmar have documented that 47 women have been killed as of 30 April 2021.

We are outraged at the political killings and the impunity with which the grave abuses are being committed by the police and the military since decades ago and now intensively on a nationwide level.

Around 800 women, including young LGBTQ+ and civil disobedience activists have been arrested. Those arrested are beaten, abused, sexually harassed, and denied healthcare. Trade union leader Ma Myo Myo Aye’s health situation worsened since she got arrested on April 15. She is being denied access to health care from a doctor or her family members.

We condemn the neglect of ailing political prisoners being denied medical attention, and the unjust arbitrary arrest and detention of women and LGBTQ+ protesters in Myanmar.

We denounce the continuous sexual, verbal harassments, physical and mental tortures of women and LGBTQ+ political prisoners. Ethnic minorities and trans women in particular are experiencing humiliation and abuse inside jail.

We call for the immediate release of all women and LGBTQ+ human rights defenders and all political prisoners who were arrested since the 1st of February 2021, when the military junta took power;

We call on the military junta to end the attacks and crackdown on protesters and their families, and accept that the National Unity Government (NUG) is the only legitimate government of Myanmar;

We call on the international community to stand with women of Myanmar, give adequate support to address their situation, and hold the perpetrators accountable.

Together, let us stand firm in solidarity with our sisters of all ages and sectors fighting against the Military Dictatorship in Myanmar.






  1. Alliance for Gender Inclusion in the Peace Process, Myanmar
  2. AMIHAN National Federation of Peasant Women, Philippines
  3. Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
  4. Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law, and Development (APWLD)
  5. Asia Pacific Network of Environmental Defenders (APNED)
  6. Asosiasi LBH APIK Nasional, Indonesia
  7. Backyard Politics, Thailand
  8. Bahaghari, Philippines
  9. BAI Indigenous Women’s Network, Philippines
  10. Blue Diamond Society, Nepal
  11. Burmese Women’s Union (BWU)
  12. Cambodian Alliance of Trade Unions (CATU)
  13. Cambodian Food and Service Workers’ Federation (CFSWF)
  14. Cambodian Young Women’s Empowerment Network (CYWEN)
  15. Center for Environmental Concerns (CEC), Philippines
  16. Center for Women’s Resources (CWR), Philippines
  17. Center of Advocacy for Women, Persons with Disability and Children (SAPDA), Indonesia
  18. Coalition of African Lesbians (CAL)
  19. Count Me In! (CMI!) Consortium [Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID), CREA, Just Associated (JASS), Mama Cash, Red Umbrella Fund, Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights (UAF), UAF-Africa, and WO=MEN]
  20. DemOlolt International, NGO, Mongolia (DOI)
  21. Dhivya EThiraj, South India (Tamilnadu)
  22. Fahmina Institute, Indonesia
  23. Federasi Serikat Pekka Indonesia
  24. Federation of Sexual and Gender Minorities of Nepal
  25. Feminista, Thailand
  26. Fiji Women’s Rights Movement (FWRM)
  27. Forum Aktivis Perempuan Muda Indonesia (FAMM-Indonesia)
  28. FSBPI (Indonesian United Union Federation) – Indonesia
  29. GABRIELA National Alliance of Women, Philippines
  30. Gabriela Youth, Philippines
  31. Gender at Work (G@W)
  32. Gender and Development Institute (GDI) Myamar
  33. Gender Equality Network (GEN), Myanmar
  34. Girls for Peace, Philippines
  35. Green Peace, Indonesia
  36. Huma, Indonesia
  37. Innabuyog, Philippines
  38. Institute Hak Asasi Perempuan, Indonesia
  39. Institute of Women’s Empowerment (IWE), Indonesia
  40. JALA PRT, National Networking of Domestic Worker Advocacy, Indonesia
  41. Jaringan Perempuan Indonesia Timur (JPIT), Indonesia
  42. JASS (Just Associates)
  43. Kapal Perempuan, Indonesia
  44. Karapatan Alliance Philippines
  45. Kilusan ng Manggagawang Kababaihan (KMK), Philippines
  46. Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia untuk Keadilan dan Demokrasi, Indonesia
  47. Kontras, Indonesia
  48. Lila Pilipina, Philippines
  49. LOOM, Nepal
  50. Migrant Care, Indonesia
  51. Milk Tea Alliance Indonesia
  52. Mon Women’s Organization (MWO), Myanmar
  53. Movimentu Feto Foinsae – Timor-Leste (MOFFE-TL)
  54. Myanmar Women Human Rights Defenders
  55. Nagkahiusang Kababayen-ang Mamumuo sa Sumifru (NKMS or United Women Workers of Sumifru)
  56. Non-Binary Thailand
  57. Pambansang Koalisyon ng Kababaihan sa Kanayunan (PKKK), Philippines
  58. PEKKA Foundation (PEKKA – Indonesia)
  59. Perempuan AMAN, Indonesia
  60. Perempuan Mahardhika (Free Women), Indonesia
  61. Perkumpulan Suara Kita (Our Voice), Indonesia
  62. PERMAMPU Consortium, Indonesia.
  63. Power Up!
  64. Progressive Voice
  65. Protection International
  66. Protection International Colombia
  67. Protection International Mesoamerica
  68. Punganay – Cagayan Valley Indigenous People’s Alliance, Philippines
  69. Purplecode Collective, Indonesia
  70. Putera Pertiwi, Indonesia
  71. Rumah Kita Bersama (Rumah KitaB), Indonesia
  72. SABOKAHAN Unity of Lumad Women, Philippines
  73. Samahan ng Maralitang Kababaihang Nagkakaisa (SAMAKANA), Philippines
  74. Sangsan Anakot Yawachon Development Project, Thailand
  75. Savy Amira Sahabat Perempuan WCC, Indonesia
  76. School of Feminist, Thailand
  77. SERUNI (Serikat Perempuan Indonesia)
  78. SHero, Thailand
  79. Sisters2Sisters
  80. Solidaritas Perempuan Indonesia
  81. Tanggol Bayi (Defend Women), Philippines
  82. Tavoyan Women’s Union (TWU), Myanmar
  83. ThaiConsent
  84. VDay Thailand
  85. Wahana Lingkungan Hidup (Walhi), Indonesia
  86. WomanHealth Philippines
  87. Women on Web, Indonesia
  88. Women’s Equality Association (WEA), Malaysia
  89. Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR)
  90. Women’s Hand Myanmar Foundation (WHMF)
  91. Women’s League of Burma (WLB)
  92. Women’s Legal and Human Rights Bureau (WLB), Philippines
  93. Women’s Organizations Network (WON) Myanmar
  94. Women’s Studies and Resource Center (WSRC) Davao, Philippines
  95. Workers’ Association of Valenzuela (WAV), Philippines
  96. Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial (Hivos), Indonesia
  97. Yayasan Pantau, Indonesia
  98. Yayasan Perlindungan Insani Indonesia
  99. Yayasan Srikandi Lestari, Indonesia
  100. Young Feminist from Salawin River, Thailand
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