Feminist Participatory Action Research (FPAR) Endline Report
This Endline Study is based on the 3-year Feminist Participatory Action Research (FPAR) process that Just Associates Southern Africa (JASS…
Governing with the People
This analysis piece weighs the achievements, opportunities and limitations for women’s rights in Honduras. Xiomara Castro’s presidency in Honduras on…
Alquimia: The Alchemy of Cross Pollination in Movement Learning
By Shereen Essof and Patricia Ardón This article explores the meaning, significance, and specific practices of feminist pedagogy of the…
Defenders of land and territory, resistance against extractivism and visions towards a post-extractivist egalitarian future
Two hundred years have passed since “independence” — or, rather, since the events that put an end to three centuries…
Quand les droits vont de travers: Déformation de l’ap- proche du développement fondée sur les droits
Article by Srilatha Batliwala that argues human rights discourses has been distorted by neoliberalism.
Quand le néolibéralisme a pris les droits humains en otage
Article by Jeanne Morefield that argues that parts of the human rights agenda support the neoliberal agenda.
Intersectionality & Movement Building: The Zines
By: JASS, Furia and Raising Voices If you're on the lookout for fun, easy-to-read feminist content, check out our latest…
Movement-Building for Accountability: Learning from Indonesian Women’s Organizing
By: Nani Zulminarni, Valeria Miller, Alexa Bradley, Angela Bailey, Jonathan Fox This case study profiles Perempuan Kepala Keluarga (Women-Headed Family…
Feminist Contextual Socio-economic and Political Analysis for Malawi
Authors: Grace Malera & Sarai Chisala-Tempelhoff Given the developments in the HIV and AIDS landscape, JASS is reflecting on and…
Barefoot Guide 5: Mission Inclusion
This beautiful new Barefoot Guide, published by JASS-ally The Barefoot Guide Connection, dedicates Chapter 1 to JASS’ movement building work…
Feminist UN Recommendations
This paper articulates a vision for a more feminist UN and recommends both transformative and practical steps that can be…