The Power Up! consortium is seeking the support of a team of external and independent…

We cannot stay silent as we witness hundreds of Palestinians in Gaza being bombarded and killed everyday, whilst also enduring a complete stoppage of food, clean water and electricity supplies. Depriving over two million people of the basic means of survival is a serious breach of the Geneva Convention and a war crime.
We join our voices to those calling for an immediate end to sustained acts of violent retribution and indiscriminate massacre and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian people in Gaza.
We call for an immediate ceasefire, an end to the siege, and an end to the 56-year Israeli occupation, the longest military occupation in modern history.
We call for a free Palestine and for the recognition of Palestinian lives as human lives equally worthy of protection and deserving of dignity, security, peace, justice and liberation.
Read the full statement here.
#StandWithPalestine #StopTheGenocide #FreePalestine #EndViolence #Decolonise