Our radio program “Women Crossing the Line” was born out of this commit- ment and more than two decades of experience in the field. The “Women Crossing the Line” radio program produced by JASS Mesoamerica and Violeta Radio of Mexico City– is conceived from the logic of strengthening feminist movements with the goal of deepening and spreading knowledge generated by women and their peoples, and opening up dialogue and media forums for women who lead struggles for social justice.
Hosted by Orfe Castillo and Laura Carlsen, the weekly programs feature guest activists from Mexico and Central America who narrate not only the events they experience in their contexts, but also their reflections on the structural causes that generate them, the why and how they organize, and obstacles and opportunities for their movements.
As JASS Mesoamerica, we focus on our region–Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala–but we also invite women from other countries whose experience offers important lessons.
This resource shares the learnings and facilitates the links between the many women who have been part of this amazing experience. At the end of 2023, we invited participants in the program to celebrate our first 100 programs, to share what we’ve learned, and to thank the women leaders who have been part of these discussions.. Every program begins with a brief information capsule. The E-Book you are reading now “Women Crossing the Line: Reflections on Collective Power” is a compilation of these capsules that introduce the topics and provide background information from a practical perspective: What do we need to know and learn in order to more effectively resist the powers that be, transform our realities and follow our dreams?