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Spiritual guides light ceremonial fires as they call for accountability in the political crisis that has accompanied Guatemala’s presidential elections [Jeff Abbott/Al Jazeera]

More than 120 organisations sign call to respect democracy in Guatemala and condemn government acts of repression or obstruction.


International calls to respect democracy in Guatemala are increasing, amid massive demonstrations against government actions that interfere in the electoral process and point to an attempt to block a peaceful transition of power. The defeat of the ruling group in the August 20 elections has led to desperate maneuvers to undermine or prevent the transition, causing millions of Guatemalans to protest throughout the country.

More than 120 organisations have signed the call for “International Solidarity with the Guatemalan People and in Defense of Democracy” over the past few days, as the political crisis mounts. Among signers are indigenous organizations from throughout the Hemisphere, organizations of women and sexual diversities, migrants associations and think tanks and international solidarity groups, including the Institute for Policy Studies-Global Economy, Global Exchange and the Mesoamerica Initiative of Women Human Rights Defenders (see full list below). 

The open letter reads in part:

The undersigned organizations, dedicated to the protection of human rights, democracy and the defense of the rule of law in various parts of the world, express our deep concern about the actions of the Public Ministry and other entities of the Guatemalan government that undermine democracy and the will of the people freely expressed in the vote on August 20 and legally ratified by the electoral authorities.”

It concludes with a commitment among signers and their networks to continue to monitor the situation closely and to call on their own governments to condemn any and all authoritarian or repressive acts on the part of the Guatemalan government and promote inclusion of a democratic Guatemala as of January:

“The eyes of the world are on Guatemala today. We will be watching closely to ensure that a peaceful and fair transition of power is guaranteed in strict accordance with the law, when President-elect Bernardo Arévalo and Vice President-elect Karin Herrera take office on January 14. With full respect for national sovereignty, we will not remain silent in the face of attempts to divert the democratic process in Guatemala. We commit to peaceful actions in our countries to support the right of the Guatemalan people to reclaim their nation.” 



ADEM Asociación por los Derechos de las Mujeres, ADES Guatemala, Asamblea Abya Yala Rompe el Cerco, Asociación Centro de Derechos Laborales sin Fronteras de Costa Rica, Asociacion Mujeres en Solidaridad, Asociación trans Diversas ATD, ASOTRASAMG, Asociación de Trabajadores de San Miguel, Associacao Viva a Vida, Canadian Guatemala Collective. CGC, Carovane Migranti (Italia), CASA Colombia, CEJUDI, A.C. – Centro por la Justicia, Democracia e Igualdad, Centro de Estudios del Movimiento Obrero y Socialista AC, Cieculo de palabra tejiendo proceso Colombia, CIEP COLOMBIA, CNV Internationaal Coalición Pro Defensa del migrante A.C., Codepink, CODIMCA, Colectivo Altepee, Colectivo de Derechos Humanos Herbert Anaya, Colectivo Las Libélulas Guatemala, Colectivo por la Paz en Colombia desde México COLPAZ, COLESDOM, Columna Sur, Comité para el Desarrollo Económico y Local de Quezaltepeque, Comite permanente por la defensa de los derechos humanos CPDH Colombia, Conciencia Antigüeña, Corporación de Mujeres Ecofeministas COMUNITAR, Critical Perspectives of Democracy + Media Lab (UCB), Decolonized International Solidarity Network, Derechos Humanos y Construcción de Ciudadanía y Paz., Editorial Lengua de Gato, Eutopía, Feministas Autoconvocadas Barcelona, Fundación órgano internacional de los derechos Humanos Colombia (FOINDHC), Fraternidad Trans Masculina Perú, Fundacion órgano internacional de derechos humanos, Fundación Órgano Internacional de los Derechos Humanos Colombia, Fundación Paz y Solidaridad Esteban Riera de CCOO de Castilla y León, Global Exchange, Grup Suport Con Vos, Grupo Ix Saqil Ik, Guardianes de la Cordillera, Hombres Trans Panama, Honduras Diversa, Huertas Tropicales SA, Humana People to People Belize, IAPL-Australian Chapter, Iniciativa Mesoamericana de Mujeres Defensoras, Institute for Policy Studies – Global, Economy Program, Instituto Brasileiro de Transmasculinidades – IBRAT, Instituto de Estudios de las Culturas Andinas, International Association of People’s Lawyers (IAPL), ISCOD- Sindicalistas Sin Fronteras, Izquierda Socialista, Perú, JASS (Just Associates), La Colectiva – Colombia, Latiendo Juntas Guatemala, Lucha Indígena, Maritimes-Guatemala, Breaking the Silence Network (BTS), MIRA. Feminisms and democracies, Mov de Mujeres y Diversidades Indígenas por el Buen Vivir, Movimiento Amplio de Mujeres de Puerto Rico National Lawyers Guild-Mesoamérica Subcommittee, National Lawyers Guild-San Francisco Bay Area chapter, Observatorio de Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos Observatorio de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos de las Personas con Discapacidad-ODISEX PERU, Observatorio por el Cierre de la Escuela de las Américas en Chile, Organización Amancio Samuel Villatoro, Organización de Mujeres Tierra Viva, Organización Mujeres en Superación, Pequeño Sol Escuela, Plataforma Internacional contra la Impunidad, Proyecto Libre: Educación y Autonomía, Pueblos en Camino Puedjs UNAM, Quinto Suyo Suiza-Perú, RacismoMX (Educación contra el racismo, A.C.), Red de gestoras por el derecho de las mujeres, Red de Integración Organica-RIO, Red de Mujeres, Red de Mujeres Rurales Honduras, Red de Solidaridad con Chiapas de Rosario Red Guatemalteca Mujeres Positivas en Acción, Red Nacional de Defensoras de Derechos, Humanos en Mexico, Red Regional de Familias Migrantes, Red Wiphalas / Wiphalas Network, Red Wiphalas UK, Redcath+, RedContactoSur, RISG, Risg Países Bajos, RUCD Red Universitaria y Ciudadana por la Democracia, Sector de Mujeres, SEPLA MEXICO, Sin Fronteras IAP, Soludaridad Latina, Tejido de jóvenes Misak, Tejido de jovenes misak wentrøsrøwey, Tierra Viva, Transmen Nicaragua, UNITRASAL, UNSITRAGUA HISTÓRICA, Voces De Guatemala en Berlín, Wainjirawa-UAIN, Warmis Bolivia, Witness at the Border, Otros Mundos Chiapas, Latin American and Caribbean Working Group/MAPA, Central Unica Nacional de Rondas Campesinas, Ixoqib Miriam, Centro de Educación y Promoción para el Desarrollo Sostenible, (CEPRODESO)/Centro Martin Luther King


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