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The Long Haul
Right now, my thoughts are with the long haulers and the way the personal is always political but often in surprising ways. Two weeks or so ago, I attended a meeting organised by my doctors…
A wake up call: A Conversation between Hope Chigudu and Rudo Chigudu
By Hope Chidugu (HC) and Rudo Chigudu (RC) HC: Wake up RC and service your vehicle known as your body. It is the only one you have; once it gets grounded or overloaded, it will…
The road to self care: My experience in the Serene House
#StrongerMovements The road to get here wasn’t short, but it never is when we want to go far and deep, especially  within ourselves. And the ritual begins from the moment in which we connect with…
How and Where Does Change Happen for Women?
Malawian Activists in workshop The reunion with the women we have been working with in Malawi was emotional. Tiwonge, who has been involved since the beginning in 2007, lifted me up in the air as…
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