Daysi is an ecofeminist, who lives in Honduras. Daysi serves as the regional communications coordinator for JASS Mesoamerica where she focuses on the design and implementation of the communication strategy for the region and along with her colleagues explores regional and global links within movements and organizations. For the last 25 years, Daysi has dedicated her life to being an activist for women’s rights at the national and regional level. She is a social communicator and civil engineer with an emphasis on climate change. Lover of music, radio and environmental care. She likes to sow in urban gardens and connect with life in various ways. Daysi believes that the ability to learn collectively generates spaces that enhance the best individual qualities rooted from care.
Articles, Publications and Media
Berta lives! COPINH continues – 2017
The voice of Berta Cáceres has become the voice of millions – 2016
Human Rights Defenders in Honduras Need a Defender, Too – 2015
Hope as a survival strategy for Defensoras in Honduras – 2015