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Urgent: LGBTI Organization in Zimbabwe Faces Anti-gay Harassment

  • JASS

On August 20th, the Zimbabwe national police occupied the offices of GALZ (Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe) – a close JASS ally – after demanding entry. Officers confiscated publications and computers. This latest assault comes on the tail of nearly two weeks of aggressive harassment of GALZ members by the police in Zimbabwe, where same-sex activity is outlawed. On August 11th, 44 GALZ members were beaten by police using batons and clenched fists before being detained without charge. Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) is working closely with activists to ensure their protection as surveillance of GALZ intensifies just as they are preparing to launch a report on the persecution of LGBTI people. Take action in support of the “GALZ 44″.

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