“The machete as a symbol of the work of our mothers and grandfathers in the fields and not as a weapon of violence as it has been stigmitized.”
Furthering our solidarity with the people of Atenco over the past two years, JASS, the Nobel Women’s Initiative, and Mexican allies brought Laureate Jody Williams to San Salvador Atenco on September 8 to support women struggling for voice and land rights, and to pressure the Mexican government to halt repression and fulfill its promises.
Indigenous women in parallel struggles against state repression in Oaxaca, Guerrero, and Chiapas were also invited to be part of the event and share their experiences. Martha Sanchez – from the Guerrero Indigenous Women’s Coordinating Committee and the Indigenous Women’s Alliance for Mexico and Central America – reminded the audience that “indigenous communities and organizations have long fought against caciques, militarization and to put an end to policies that focus on integration, assimilation and the imposition of a single culture.”
JASS and NWI have taken action in solidarity with the people of Atenco for over two years. The declaration of solidarity briefly describes why this is important for human rights defenders, women, and social movements.
Homenaje a mujeres en resistencia – report from Atenco (Spanish)