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2020: A Year Like No Other

  • JASS
As we end 2020, we continue to face uncertainty. Yet, we are presented with many moments of possibility. The communities and movements we accompany are organizing and building collective power, while showing us visions and solutions for a different future.
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JASS Mobilization Fund

  • JASS

A feminist Response to Crisis As crises become a new normal, we are being pushed to think beyond our usual responses. Practical needs have become strategic needs that fuel both survival and organizing. If you donā€™t have food or water,…

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Sandra MorĆ”n: “Be the Voice”

  • JASS
You are the voice of those who challenge the system. If you arenā€™t inside, who is going to speak for those who are outside? You have to be on the inside, you have to cry out, you have to speak up--and thatā€™s what I have done. Be the voice
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Solidarity with the Garifuna People of Honduras

  • JASS

We, women of JASS Southern Africa, are writing to express our deepest concern for, and solidarity with the Black Indigenous Garifuna people of Honduras. As they have struggled to defend their lands, territories and lives, they have been met with…

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