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Part 1: Take the lead from movements. During these precarious times, movements are what give us hope. Women-led movements and mobilizations have been at the forefront of resistance and sustained organizing for decades. We believe they have the greatest transformative potential to imagine and build a different future. How do we support them with the resources they need to succeed? Inspired by our rich discussion last October with Black and brown women leaders in philanthropy, and fueled by bold intersectional feminist thinking and funding initiatives like the Black Feminist Fund, Solidaire Network, Feminist Alchemy: Building a World Beyond Crisis coordinated by the Global Fund for Women and the Collective Future Fund, amongst others, over the next few weeks we invite you to join the conversation on rethinking strategies for resourcing and supporting movements. Hereā€™s a soundbite šŸ“ŗ of what Shereen Essof, Executive Director, JASS and Sandra MacĆ­as del Villar, Global Fund for Women have to say about meeting this movement moment collectively
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